OTIMER simplifies patients’ lives and increases adherence.

OTIMER’s flashing light notifies consumers which medications to take and when, even among many.

It is easy for consumers to lose track of which medications to take at what time, especially when there are several. Often, taking an everyday medication becomes habitual, making it easy to forget whether or not we have taken the prescribed dose. Doubling up on medication can cause a dangerous overdose. In the United States alone, lack of adherence causes approximately 125,000 deaths and at least 10% of hospitalizations. For pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, non-adherence also means significant losses in profits due to prescriptions never filled and medications not taken often enough. The US pharmaceutical industry alone loses an estimated $188 billion annually due to medication non-adherence.

With OTIMER, there is no room for error. Wait for the light to blink, open, take the medication, close, and press to restart.